Covid-19 Security Protocol
Emporio Ricambi Rossi, in collaboration with the Competent Doctor, the RSPP and RLS, in order to comply with the provisions of the DPCM 26.04.2020 bearing “Further implementing provisions of DL 23.02.2020”, n. 6 and considered the “Technical document on the possible remodulation of the measures for the containment of contagion from SARS – Co-V-2 in the workplace and prevention strategies” prepared by INAIL on 21.04. 2020, following the provisions of the Prime Minister’s Decree of 02/03/2021 that provides for restrictive measures throughout the national territory, taking into account the “Shared protocol for the updating of measures to contrast and contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 virus in the workplace” signed on 06/04/2021 by the Government and the Social Partners, has identified the following measures to reinforce the ordinary rules of conduct and correct hygiene practices, both for the protection of workers and external users (including occasional users), adopting the following anti-contagious safety protocol.