Truck spare parts


Emporio Ricambi Rossi | Img1 Termostati 900x800 1
Truck spare parts


Emporio Rossi sells thermostats of the brands Wahler and Behr managing about 50 references in stock. Thermostats are present in the truck mainly to regulate the circulation of the engine coolant. In fact, cooling a truck engine when it is still cold would represent a waste in terms of fuel, efficiency and unnecessary pollution. The thermostat keeps the engine cooling system open (and therefore inactive) until the engine reaches the desired temperature.

When the engine reaches optimum operating temperature, the thermostat will step in and activate coolant circulation, thus ensuring a constant temperature. A faulty thermostat can get stuck in the open position. In this case the coolant flows in the cooling circuit even when the engine has not reached the optimum temperature. In this case, especially when the weather is severe, engine performance suffers. On the contrary, if it is locked in the closed position, the coolant will not flow in the circuit even at high temperatures, risking engine damage. That’s why you need to keep your thermostats in full working order.

Emporio Ricambi Rossi | Img2 Termostati 900x800 1

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