Brake cylinders
Emporio Rossi sells brake cylinders of the following brands: Wabco, Knorr, Haldex, Bpw and Saf – Holland. In our warehouse there are about 100 references related to pneumatic cylinders. The brake cylinders receive air from the compressed air system and transform the pneumatic energy into mechanical energy, acting on the key pins (by means of the brake lever in the case of systems with drum brakes) or directly on the brake caliper (in the case of systems with disc brakes). Typically brake cylinders suffer deterioration due to water and road salt (being exposed to the weather), losing air from the chambers and therefore functionality.
There are brake cylinders with different diameters of the internal chambers depending on the thrust they have to exert. The differences on the stroke of the output pin are determined by the different design of the braking element (brake shoes or brake caliper). In order to choose the correct brake cylinder on the trailer, it is necessary to indicate the data on the plate of the cylinder mounted or, in the absence of it, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the chamber or chambers, in order to determine the model to be mounted. For tractor units it is also important to indicate the data on the plate, but it is of great help to report the chassis number of the vehicle.